Food Program
Being part of the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) means that all students at Pine Castle Christian Academy have access to nutritious meals at no cost, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to start their day well-nourished and ready to learn. This is an excellent support for families and helps promote a positive and healthy school environment.
PCCA provides all their students with a FREE breakfast between 7:00 am to 7:45 am
Breakfast is important for students because it provides energy, nutrients, and brain power that help them focus and learn.
Benefits of Breakfast
Better academic performance: Students who eat breakfast tend to do better in school, score higher on tests, and have fewer absences.
Improved focus and memory: Breakfast helps students concentrate and remember information.
Better mood: Breakfast can improve mood and help students deal with frustration.
Healthy weight: Breakfast can help students maintain a healthy weight and avoid weight-related issues later in life.
Reduced behavioral problems: Breakfast can help reduce behavioral issues and improve social-emotional functioning.
Improved nutrition: Breakfast can help students get enough fiber, calcium, vitamins, and minerals
School Wellness policy review will take place on 2/11 at 5pm.
You are welcomed to join and learn more about our food program.